Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tears of Lamentation

I am definately a guy that is always ready for a good laugh and a happy moment but I recognize the importance of lamentation and prayer when necessary. It is healthy to smile and be happy. But it is not okay to overlook the sorrow of pain and hurt. There is a balance that must exist between these two emotions and they are based in behavior and attitude.

Personally, I have a deep relationship with God. I trust in God no matter what the circumstances are and I have lived a life that speaks in concert with that statement. And it is not very often that I am found with my face buried deep in a pillow crying away my hurt but when I do cry I shed tears of lamentation to heal a broken soul.

I write this post without mention of any of the personal attacks that I have survived in this current month or even the past months or those to come. I share these thoughts only to serve its purpose in my blog of Wisdom. But to just make note that less than 30 minutes prior to the writing of this post I was deep in my sadness over a matter of small significance. I call it small now only because tomorrow it will matter very little because God is the alpha and omega. And if I could make only one final statement in my last breath that is exactly what I would say, "God is alpha and omega."

"I just cried and when the water ran down my cheeks the tears were so warm because they came straight from my heart. I felt my soul vomit a little as well. My spirit was vexed. My hope is in the Lord every step of the way. #prayerofhope" - My status update from Facebook 7:38pm
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.