Sunday, June 26, 2016

Stay Strong in the Faith

Whenever a breakthrough is about to happen, many small distractions will pop up. If you have been given steps to follow, do not stray to the left or right. Do not allows people, even those whom you care about, to force you to the left or right. Just keep moving forward. Most of the time, you are the only person who sees the future the way you do. So don't expect others, not even your family or friends, to understand why you do the work that you do.

You may worry, "What if I am wrong and I become a failure?" Do not let those worries become a part of your mentality. You may fail, but you are not a failure. And, if it is God's will that you will succeed, then who can question your actions?

It is more likely that you will face this decision: Who is truly worthy of your acknowledgement on the day of your success?

If you fail once, people will accept you back. If you fail twice, people may accept you back. If you fail three times, some people will accept you back. If you fail 7 times, only one will accept you back, and that one is God along with anyone who has God's spirit within. So what will you do when you succeed? Who will you extend your hand to in favor of friendship? For you should only accept those whom you have judged to be within a righteous spirit. Not everyone who apologizes, is of a sound spirit. Like I said, even some of your family will attempt to persuade you away from your calling. But if they did so in favor of your safety, then you should bless them and return the favor. For they knew not what you knew, and you cannot hold this against them. However, if some people have forsaken you in favor of personal gain, or if it were in their means to destroy you, then they are much like the enemy. Those people should be cast away from your sight forever.

The most important lesson is this: When God gives you a vision, do not close one eye to it. It is through God alone that we find grace and mercy. If we reject the one one who will not reject us, then we shall ourselves be rejected on the day of Judgement.

Stay strong in the faith!