Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tears of Lamentation

I am definately a guy that is always ready for a good laugh and a happy moment but I recognize the importance of lamentation and prayer when necessary. It is healthy to smile and be happy. But it is not okay to overlook the sorrow of pain and hurt. There is a balance that must exist between these two emotions and they are based in behavior and attitude.

Personally, I have a deep relationship with God. I trust in God no matter what the circumstances are and I have lived a life that speaks in concert with that statement. And it is not very often that I am found with my face buried deep in a pillow crying away my hurt but when I do cry I shed tears of lamentation to heal a broken soul.

I write this post without mention of any of the personal attacks that I have survived in this current month or even the past months or those to come. I share these thoughts only to serve its purpose in my blog of Wisdom. But to just make note that less than 30 minutes prior to the writing of this post I was deep in my sadness over a matter of small significance. I call it small now only because tomorrow it will matter very little because God is the alpha and omega. And if I could make only one final statement in my last breath that is exactly what I would say, "God is alpha and omega."

"I just cried and when the water ran down my cheeks the tears were so warm because they came straight from my heart. I felt my soul vomit a little as well. My spirit was vexed. My hope is in the Lord every step of the way. #prayerofhope" - My status update from Facebook 7:38pm
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Counting The Value of a Moment in Seconds

For every great event in history there is an innumerable amount of ideas, thoughts, actions and failures that create a moment worth remembering. People remember when History was made but they don't consider the stories that made it all possible. Maybe it is a matter of being too busy to count the seconds when you're looking at the hours pass. For those of us who feel as if we are growing weary and the clock has only begun to tick we should focus on every passing second rather than allowing ourselves to become restless with slowly progressing breath taking moments.

Life is an event that develops over many years but ends quicker than a moment can be remembered. Seconds are the smallest unit of time measurement that we can easily count without losing focus of what it means to exist. If you count enough seconds you will eventually count the minutes. And after you count a couple of minutes you will realize how quickly time passes when you're not paying attention to the passing of the day. And once you learn to place priority on the passing of a day you will learn the value of one second because one second is all it takes to beging the next day. And once you learn the value of a second you will learn the value of a great moment that can be remembered forever in the historical timeline of life because one day that great moment shall come to pass. And all of life's events can be summed up by just one breathtaking moment called death in less time than a second can be counted.

Count each second. Enjoy every minute. Improve every hour. Make the most of each day. You will be remembered for the life that you lived. Not the one that you didn't. Because after you die, life is but a moment remembered.

P.S. For those who seek to learn more, there is always more written than what can be read in a paragraph. Reading between the lines is truly the path of knowledge hidden to fools and revealed to the wise because not all are willing to do so. Wisdom is found in doing what others are not willing to do.

Monday, May 28, 2012

In Times of Happiness Be Happy

I will make this one short and simple but full of wisdom for the years to come. Happiness is a state of mind that we create from within ourselves. People have the ability to decide what will create happiness and what will create sadness. This is a very key concept behind the wisdom that you must focus on for the remainder of this year in order to truly find success in your life.

I will not quote the bible but you can find this statement in the book of Ecclesiastes: There is a time for everything and for everything there is a time. Although we have the ability to create happiness in our mind we do not have the ability to create happiness. Happiness is simply a state of mind.

There is a girl that I used to date who told me after our harsh break up that at the end of the day she must do whatever makes her happy because that is what is important. And she suggested that I do the same and even gave me examples of others who lived by the same rule. I responded to her, "Life is not about creating happiness for one's self. If anything, life is about doing what is right. Be happy in times of happiness but be sad in times of sadness." I believe that this girl made a decision to be a nasty human being with poor life choices because she was concerned for her happiness and although she did what made her happy she did not create happiness. She simply turned a time of sadness into a happy moment for herself. At the end of the day she was happy but at the end of the week she was unhappy again.

Because happiness is a state of mind, do we have the ability to turn sadness into happiness? But if we turn sadness into happiness will we also turn happiness into sadness? And if there is no sadness in life is there such a thing as happiness? Is it possible that life without sadness is death? I personally believe that a life without balance is no life at all as the Lord abhors dishonest scales.

Once again, if I may refer to the book of Ecclesiastes (only for the sake of wisdom) time is cyclical. All things occur in seasons. It will be hot in summer and cold in winter. The other two seasons are a time of transition where one day's outcome does not always measure out close to the next. This shall hold true for every living thing from the time of birth until the time of death.

No man can create happiness unless he also has the ability to create the four seasons. I would say that it is a wise decision to be happy in times of happiness and be sad in times of sadness but always be content with the season because without it there is no year of wisdom.

Please do check out this blog that I found online, Happiness in times of crises. I did not obtain the topic from the blog but it closely matches the thoughts that I have shared.

How should we view happiness? Is there a secret to life that creates an eternal smile? Is happiness truly the meaning of life or is Righteousness the bottom line? What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section. As always people will do what they want to do and the consequences will be their own earnings. I only aim to find truth in wisdom and share it unconditionally with those who will partake.

Friday, April 13, 2012

From Meditation and Prayer to the pages of my heart

I consider myself to be a fairly wise young man and these are just a few thoughts that I meditated on today as life has been presenting me with difficult situations.

Be grateful for the things that you have. Don't be in a rush to meet your future. Many people say life is short but in retrospect life is long. Don't allow the bad to outweigh the good. Always maintain a balance. If too much good happens at once than you should expect an overdose of bad. Even batteries operate on positive and negative.

Do a better job of listening to people who repeat themselves often. Many times we tune them out because we've heard them speak before but repetition creates a pattern and patterns are predictable which helps you prepare for things to come. Remember that life is cyclical. The sun rose today and it will rise again tomorrow. If you miss the first wave be ready for the second wave and know that there is a third wave right behind you.

Do your best to remember people for the good and the bad. Everyone makes mistakes so it is not okay for you to continue looking down on others. When a person does something wrong you should discuss it and disclose your emotions only to people who will properly help you justify your feelings. Give yourself time to understand the entire situation from all perspectives and when opportunity presents itself allow yourself to overcome with a new appreciation for life. Also, never place anyone higher than the heavens. Man should not become an idol to other men nor should any creation become an idol. Otherwise you create a false image that cannot be replicated. Every man and creature has a place and you should not move ancient boundary stones lest the Lord take up the case.

People don't remember what you do as much as they remember how you make them feel. In every thing that you do always try to make people feel better than they did before they interacted with you. This is a very difficult task to do expecially when the people you interact with have made you feel bad in the past. But if the world is going to go from good to great than it is necessary for us to wash the plate clean and serve a fresh dish. If you do good only for yourself than you may learn that you are doing bad for everyone else.

I don't have all of the answers nor do I know enough questions to ask. I am a young man who prays and meditates and places myself in a position to receive the best the Universe has to offer. My hope is that others will follow as I follow. Consider this a true statement that shall be written in history, "If it wasn't for you I would have given up a long time ago."

Aaron Harris

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is it my turn to take out the trash again?

There is a time in life when you must actually grow up and stop learning to grow up. I am not certain what exactly occurs in the brain to make a person realize that this time has come but I know that it occurs later than needed for some and earlier than needed for others.

Being that I am a 25 year old single male I don't have many responsiblities. It was my choice to move out of my parent's house and rent an apartment with my friends from work. It was also my choice to quit college and begin my career at The Walt Disney Company. I can even say that it was my choice to pay my own cell phone bill and car insurance. For me it was simple to take on these responsibilities because I truly had no real responsibilities.

Currently, I live in a 4 bedroom apartment with 3 roomates. I take ownership of two bedrooms (I use 1 to house all of my musical equipment and the other as an actual bedroom). My close friend and his fiance' take ownership of the master bedroom and a friend from work takes ownership of the fourth bedroom. In total there are 4 "adults" living in this apartment. Even with four adults to share the workload, taking out the trash is never a simple task. Whenever there is a debate about who should take out the trash everyone wants to point fingers and blame one another. No one is on the same page. It seems that taking out the trash is a fairly simple task that requires little to responsiblity, if any at all. We all have full time jobs and bills to pay but no one wants to throw out the trash.

I had a converstation with my close friend who is engaged to be married soon. I told him that its funny how when I lived in my parents house I never really saw a full trash bag sit in the house for more than one day. Although my mother and father used to get angry when I would walk by a full garbage can without changing the bags they never allowed my unethical behavior to allow trash to build up in their house. I looked my friend in the eye and said, "You know something you and I can blame each other for not taking out the trash and its totally fine because we're friends and we don't have to stay with each other forever. But some day our roomates will be our family members and who will we blame for not taking out the trash? Family is an extension of one's self. Family members will take care of you even when you don't take care of yourself." He looked back at me and said, "When that day comes I will take out the trash everyday if necessary but in this apartment I don't think its fair that one person should do all the work."

I didn't think that my conversation with my friend would get anywhere but I learned a valuable lesson that day. Even if I never have family members as roomates I will gladly take out the trash whenever necessary because if I allow it to sit for too long it will get in the way of my life. And who can I blame for a trashy house and a trashy life if I walk past the trash and do nothing about it.  I also learned that true lovers never ask each other how many times they took out the trash...they just do it.

You can't spend your entire life pointing fingers at people blaming them for not contributing the goodwill of the community. You will waste more time trying to identify who is truly in the wrong and you might be suprised to see how little you actually do compared to those around you. Besides, you must realize that trash has to come from somewhere. And while the roomates are busy complaining about the build up of trash, the chef of the house is running out of space to cook food. And what would happen if the chef begins to question everyone's contribution to the kitchen labor? Eventually every person of skill would only do for themself and the house would stand divided by selfishness.

In this year of wisdom, please, learn that there is always someone else who will do more than you do. And next time you see trash that needs to be taken out smile and say, "I guess it is my turn to take out the trash today."

Patience is the passing of time

This blog will be short and simple but I hope it conveys the message properly.

Every teacher has been taught. Every fighter has been fought. Every speaker has been spoken to. In every thing that we do it has been done to us already. As the writer of Ecclesiastes wrote, there is nothing new under the sun. I believe that the shorter the wait the less learning there is that had to be learned. For those who are impatient it seems as if even the simplest life lessons are long learned but of course this is the very reason why the lessons are long.

How long will it take for the world to realize that history repeats itself in cycles? Time is a cycle. Every day has a beginning and an end to it but some people seem to miss that portion of the day...every day. The moment the world realizes that there is a definite beginning and end to each day, life will begin to move at the speed of eternity. That last sentance in itself is a lifetime long learning.

I believe that patience is the reason why one person can go from rags to riches literally overnight while another person has the same opportunities but never actually reaches that full potential. A wise proverb says that the poor stay poor because the rich steal their crops but who says that a poor man can't learn to be rich and teach others to do the same. It would take extreme patience for a poor man under those harsh conditions to learn to become rich but if he is willing to learn it is totally possible.

To conclude I should answer this question which was already answered in the title: What is patience?  History always repeats itself because it is based on time which is cyclical. If you are willing to wait you can learn anything under the sun because there is nothing new under the sun. Even the poor may have their fill of riches and the rich their fill of poverty. But the wise shall become wiser and the foolish shall perish. But both have time in common and in the end patience is the passing of time. So maybe the best question to ask is, "Who has the patience to wait for time?"

Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27, 2012

First, I should apologize for waiting so long to post something to this blog. It was a bit refreshing for me to read the title I chose earlier this month and think that this year would be full of wise thoughts and sayings.

My first thought that I wanted to share was very visionary of myself (when am I not a visionary person). When I get older somebody is going to browse and research all of my life work and write a book about me. I figure that it is probably easier for me to just load the ink in the pen and start the first couple of pages for whoever wants to take on that task.

It will be amazing to think how my son or daughter could pull up this blog that I am writing tonight and relive this moment with me. Tonight I decided that I was going to accomplish at least two things this year. The first is to have a girlfriend. She must be pretty, self motivated and positive. This is important to me because at this point in life I really do need some sort of female companionship or else I'm gonna forget how be a romantic man. I won't go into any more detail on this as my kids could possibly be reading this some day in the future.

The second big accomplishment for this year will be to save money for a house. I would say that I'm going to buy a house this year but I don't know exactly when I'll buy the house. It's much more important for me to focus on saving the money for the house and also looking for the house. This house will have all of the qualities that I have been looking for.

Remember, tts not always about the destination. The journey is just as important as where you are going. When driving a long distance you should let down the windows and experience the breeze of the wind on your face because the closer you get the slower you drive in anticipation that you will need to stop soon.

Clearly I am no where close to my destination and time is not stopping anytime soon for me so I must bring this note to a close and get some sleep. My final thought to share: I pray that this blog will serve as an inspiriational note to many but mostly to myslef. If ever there is a day when I am no longer the man that I know I was born to be, this note will help me bring myself back to life.